Sídlo: Nábřeží 737, Prštné,
760 01 Zlín, Česká republika
Telefon: +420 577 522 703
Mobil: +420 604 880 808
Email: info@ancfod.cz
Obchodní společnost ANC FOD, s. r. o. je zapsána v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Krajským soudem v Brně.
Castrol Tribol™ CS 1555 (previously called Tribol™ 1555) is a range of compressor oils specially developed for oil lubricated screw compressors. They exceed the requirements of the DIN 51506 specification for VDL type compressor oils. The Tribol CS 1555 Range is formulated using synthetic PolyAlphaOlefin (PAO) base oils and advanced technology additive systems. Application Tribol CS 1555 may be used in all types of oil lubricated compressors such as screw-type, rotary vane and turbo compressors. They may be used for the compression of air, as well as inert gases and hydrocarbon gases.
Advantages - Tribol CS 1555 offers the following advantages when compared to more conventional compressor oils:- Extremely low tendency to form carbon deposits which, depending on operating conditions, can promote longer valve life and safer operating conditions as well as a considerable decrease in fire and explosion hazards Reduced maintenance costs achieved through an increase of service life and reduced downtime periods Compatibility with most commonly used seals and coating materials means no additional changeover cost incurred with a change of seals or hose connections High oxidation stability and corrosion stability increases life of lubricants and equipment Excellent viscosity-temperature characteristics when compared to mineral oil based compressor oils - allows start-up at low temperatures and enables a sufficient lubricant film at high temperatures Very good air release properties and water separation abilities promote higher operating efficiency Tribol CS 1555 oils exceed the requirements of DIN 51506 and VDL-HC oils specifications.